Research Shows Sustainable Gains in Kenya and Uganda
Years after the population, health and environment program ended, new findings suggest many communities have continued to nurture the seeds planted.
Years after the population, health and environment program ended, new findings suggest many communities have continued to nurture the seeds planted.
“We are proud to be able to continue serving people around the world who want to be protected from what is still a global pandemic,” says the director of the Breakthrough ACTION project.
Yunita Wahyuningrum, a longtime CCP staff member in Indonesia, died Thursday of cancer after a yearlong battle. She was 49.
CCP is working with UNICEF Cox’s Bazar Humanitarian Programme to launch the Durnibar (“Unbeatable”) campaign to reduce child marriage.
CCP has developed a new family planning chatbot for young people, co-designed with youth from across nine West African countries.
“I promised you a unique and extraordinary week,” said CCP’s Jane Brown. “And it has been a unique and extraordinary week, and it’s all due to you, so thank you so, so much.”
Working with a data set of more than 38 million produces more than a few insights, insights important to the larger global health community. But two researchers from the Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs caution those using large data sets not to assume that
Dozens of presentations, posters, multimedia showcases and auxiliary sessions led by CCP staff will be part of the 2022 Summit, kicking off next week in Marrakech, Morocco.
Our experiences with failure give us some of the greatest insights into how we can improve programs and services, but they aren’t often shared.
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