CCP, under the Pakistan Initiative for Mothers and Newborns (PAIMAN), has produced two new television spots highlighting the importance of childhood immunizations and exclusive breastfeeding for newborns. In total, CCP has created 9 spots with targeted maternal and neonatal health messages for the PAIMAN project. The TV spots will be aired over 200 times on Pakistan TV (PTV) and other regional channels.
PAIMAN is a six-year project, funded by USAID and led by JSI Research and Training Institute, designed to reduce Pakistan’s maternal and neonatal mortality and improve child health. CCP is the lead strategic communication partner for the project. In addition to producing television spots, CCP created a drama serial with maternal health messages that reached over 12 million viewers, developed a music video highlighting pregnancy as a special time in a woman’s life, and developed and implemented communication trainings for journalists and religious leaders.
Childhood Immunization TV spot.
Exclusive Breastfeeding TV spot.