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COVID-19 Rumors and Misinformation
COVID-19 Rumors and Misinformation

This is a short technical brief with important steps and resources on how country programs can track and address rumors around COVID-19. The guide includes a number of resources and links while also sharing nuggets from global, collective thinking around rumors.

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COVID-19 Communication Network
COVID-19 Communication Network

The COVID-19 Communication Network is a reliable site for social and behavior change (SBC) professionals, and other responders in need, to access and share high quality communication materials, tools and resources from global partners to address the COVID-19/Coronavirus pandemic.

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Springboard for SBC resources
Springboard for SBC

Springboard is an online community of social and behavior change (SBC) professionals who are passionate about making a difference in the world. Members seek access to experts, the latest theories and tools and the most stimulating discussions and educational opportunities, in order to advance their own knowledge and skills.

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The Compass is a curated collection of social and behavior change (SBC) resources. The collection offers the highest quality “how-to” tools and packages of materials from SBC projects. Each item in the Compass is vetted to ensure it was developed via a strategic process and had documented success in the field.

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Interpersonal Communication for Immunization

This website,, is part of a global package of tools and resources designed to support frontline health workers in their immunization work, with a focus on improving their capacity to effectively use IPC to address barriers to immunization uptake and completion. The primary audience for the interpersonal communication for immunization (IPC/I) package is frontline health workers who provide immunization services.

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Global Health: Science and Practice
Global Health: Science and Practice

Global Health: Science and Practice (GHSP) is a no-fee, open access, peer-reviewed online journal intended to be a resource for public health professionals who design, implement, manage, evaluate, and otherwise support health programs in low- and middle-income countries.

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Global Shared Agenda for SBC in Family Planning

Breakthrough ACTION worked with partners from 24 donor and implementing organizations to develop and validate a global shared agenda for social and behavior change (SBC) in family planning. The Shared Agenda identifies five strategic priorities for SBC in family planning across three areas where increased investment, coordination, and collaboration are most needed.

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SBC Message Framework

Advocating for social and behavior change approaches? Understand the factors that influence whether a stakeholder invests in or supports social and behavior change. Take our short quiz and receive guidance on how to lead a successful conversation.

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Provider Behavior Ecosystem Map
Provider Behavior Ecosystem Map

The Provider Behavior Ecosystem Map is a thinking tool designed to help you understand and consider diverse factors that influence facility-based provider behavior, and how they interact with one another, as you design or adjust your provider behavior change initiatives.

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behavioral economics family planning report
Family Planning Professionals’ Behavioral Journey in Knowledge Management

This report explores formative research findings and specific behavioral economics mechanisms that are relevant to the ways in which FP/RH professionals seek out and share information. The report recommends how organizations and programs can address barriers and opportunities, and explains the implications of these findings for knowledge management within the FP/RH community.

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The Future of Knowledge Management for Family Planning and Reproductive Health Programs

Knowledge SUCCESS hosted a series of four regional workshops in mid 2020 with FP/RH professionals from Anglophone Africa, Francophone Africa, Asia, and the United States. Using a design thinking approach, participants identified common barriers and behaviors that are limiting the flow of family planning knowledge between programs, countries, and regions — and opportunities to transform the way our FP/RH community approaches knowledge management. This report analyzes trends and findings across all four workshops by each step in the design thinking process.

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Knowledge Management Index

The Knowledge Management Index (KM Index) is an assessment tool, developed by The Knowledge for Health (K4Health) Project, to examine an organization or project’s use of KM practices, identify opportunities for improvement and, map out an action plan to strengthen the KM capacity.

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GHKC Knowledge Management Indicator Library

The Global Health Knowledge Collaborative (GHKC) Knowledge Management (KM) Indicator Library offers a set of tools and comprehensive guidance to anyone designing KM activities and measuring KM approaches, in particular those who working in the field of global health and development.

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Rumor Tracking for COVID-19 Metadata Package

CCP-led Breakthrough ACTION produced a real-time rumor tracking system design and implementation guide for humanitarian and public health organizations as well as national governments seeking to document rumors in a systematic and dynamic fashion. The guide lays out an application of this approach using the District Health Information System 2 (DHIS2) open source software platform, including an overview of a pre-configured metadata package that can be installed on a new DHIS2 system or imported to an existing system.

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People-Planet Connection

People-Planet Connection is a Knowledge SUCCESS-designed website dedicated to collaboration on population, health and the environment (PHE), just as people around the world celebrate restoring the planet and environmental protection. It is envisioned as a space for development professionals around the globe to gather to

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FP insight

FP insight is the first resource discovery and curation tool built by and for family planning and reproductive health (FP/RH) professionals.

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COVID Behaviors Dashboard

The  COVID Behaviors dashboard presents data from a global survey of knowledge, attitudes and practices around COVID-19. Insights and analyses on how to use the data were written by researchers and social and behavior change communication experts at Johns Hopkins CCP in collaboration with WHO’s Global Outbreak Alert and Response Network (GOARN). 

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Knowledge Management Training Package for Global Health Programs
Knowledge Management Training Package for Global Health Programs

The Knowledge Management Training Package for Global Health Programs is an online training resource with numerous ready-to-use training modules for KM trainers and health program managers. It covers topics ranging from how to apply KM in global health to storytelling, visual content, peer assists, and after-action reviews with the goal of strengthening the capacity of the global health workforce to manage and share critical knowledge needed to deliver results.

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Diagram of the Social and Behavior Change Flow Chart
Social and Behavior Change Flow Chart

The Social and Behavior Change Flow Chart is CCP’s design process for social and behavior change activities to address health or development challenges. The SBC Flow Chart comprises three phases, Define, Design and Test, and Apply. This integrated approach draws on design, behavioral science, community engagement, market research and communication, and brings together the strengths of each discipline, methodology and technique to create new opportunities for innovative SBC solutions.

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knowledge management
KM Road Map for Public Health Emergencies

This KM Road Map for Public Health Emergencies provides an overview of how to implement KM during a public health emergency, such as an infectious disease outbreak. It outlines a step-by-step process that implementing partners, public health professionals, and donors can adapt to their contexts.

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Malaria Behavior Survey​

The Malaria Behavior Survey is a cross-sectional household survey of malaria-related behaviors and the factors that drive or inhibit them. The survey uses a theory-driven and standardized methodology to produce data to inform malaria social and behavior change interventions.

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