Artists, public health practitioners, communication professionals. Strange bedfellows? Perhaps, but all critical partners in entertainment education.
Participants from across the entertainment education spectrum will come together at the 5th International Entertainment Education Conference (EE5), which runs from November 17-20 in New Delhi, India.
EE5 will showcase best practices in entertainment education, explore the state-of-the-art and examine techniques to improve effectiveness. Over 350 people from 25 countries will take part in 30 sessions, skills building workshops, film screenings and live performances.
Now in its 25th year as a recognized discipline and critical approach in the development and social change toolbox, entertainment education has been a focus of the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health Center for Communication Programs (JHU∙CCP) from its nascent beginnings in a music video in Latin America through award winning radio and TV dramas to innovative use of social media. JHU∙CCP incorporates EE components into almost all of its projects, from television serials in South Africa, to critical acclaimed films in Tanzania and popular radio shows in Malawi.
JHU∙CCP is proud to serve as the lead organizer of EE5, along with the University of Texas at El Paso/The Social Justice Initiative, and Hollywood Health and Society, a program of the USC Annenberg Norman Lear Center, the Center for Human Progress and UNICEF, India. We look forward to celebrating the best in entertainment education, and to imagining what the future of EE holds in creating meaningful and lasting change. EE has the power to change lives!