Roll Back Malaria Partnership announced today the launch of The Strategic Framework for Malaria Communication at the Country Level. The Framework is a key reference document for policy makers and will serve as a road map for enhancing the impact of communication in malaria control efforts at the country level.
The Strategic Framework is the result of the work of a broad range of stakeholders and partners working together to better integrate communication into malaria control and chart out a research, implementation and evaluation agenda for the next five years. The Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health Center for Communication Programs (JHU∙CCP) joined the President’s Malaria Initiative, FHI360/C-Change Project, International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, Malaria No More, Population Services International and UNICEF in this effort.
“CCP was pleased to collaborate in the writing of the Framework,” said CCP Director Susan Krenn. “We believe that the strong final product is a testament to the thoughtful contributions made by all the partner organizations throughout this process.”
Dr. Fatoumata Nafo-Traore, Executive Director, RBM described the importance of the Framework, saying, “The Strategic Framework outlines clear priorities for strengthening country capacity, honing program strategies, and sharing best practices of evidence-based communication as part of our work to control, eliminate, and ultimately eradicate malaria. It provides for significant steps forward, and for a change in both ambition and innovation in tackling malaria.”
The Strategic Framework ensures that communication is placed high on the agendas of malaria policy makers and national malaria control strategies in line with the Global Malaria Action Plan (GMAP).
“At this point in the long fight against malaria, we need to ensure that evidence-based communication is a core component of national malaria control policy,” said Dr. Elizabeth Fox, Director of the Global Health Bureau at USAID. “This Strategic Framework is an important step towards achieving this goal.”
The Strategic Framework was launched at the 13th East Africa Sub-Regional Network (EARN) Annual Meeting on September 5, 2012 where commitments were made by assembled partners, National Malaria Control Programs, regional networks and partners to integrate communication in country roadmaps for 2013 onward and to support the global dissemination of the Strategic Framework.
For additional information, please contact: Pru Smith, Senior Advisor, Communications and Advocacy, Roll Back Malaria Partnership Secretariat, +41 22 79 14586,