CCP Launches New Website Dedicated to the Planet
The new People-Planet Connection site, created by the CCP-led Knowledge SUCCESS project, brings people together to address the complex relationships between people’s health and the environment.
The new People-Planet Connection site, created by the CCP-led Knowledge SUCCESS project, brings people together to address the complex relationships between people’s health and the environment.
Given the recent Ebola outbreaks, CCP is reactivating its dormant Ebola Communication Network website, an online collection of resources designed to help contain the deadly disease.
Family planning clients in Indonesia who were counseled about contraception using a tablet-based application were far more likely to still be using that new method a year later, new CCP research suggests.
Food choices made by kids in India improved after they played a mobile game where avatars fight robots that represent unhealthy foods, new research suggests. CCP”s Uttara Bharath Kumar helped conduct the research.
The percentage of people globally who say they will get a COVID-19 vaccine has fallen in recent weeks, even as tens of millions of doses have been administered around the world, new survey data disseminated by CCP suggests.Â
New data show that 62 percent of Americans would get a COVID-19 vaccine. That’s not nearly enough to stop the spread of the disease. Public health officials should focus communication efforts on the roughly 20 percent on the fence.
Real-time monitoring can bolster the effectiveness of immunization campaigns in low- and middle-income countries by enabling health officials to reach more children quickly, track vaccine supplies and identify issues and gaps, new CCP research suggests.
Public-private partnerships have opened up access to digital platforms that facilitate change and amplify outreach to much larger audiences, as the Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs’ Breakthrough ACTION project has shown during the pandemic.
The findings, culled from surveys of more than 720,000 people in 23 countries, allow researchers, public health programmers and policymakers to see and respond to trends.
A new release from the KAP COVID dashboard includes regional data on knowledge, attitudes and behaviors within the U.S. and India, two countries where COVID-19 case counts are the highest in the world.
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