CCP’s Top 5 Blog Posts of 2023
As we look forward to 2024, CCP takes a look back at some of its most interesting stories from the past year.
As we look forward to 2024, CCP takes a look back at some of its most interesting stories from the past year.
“It is amazing how evidence-based, community-centered social and behavior change interventions have changed TB case finding in Nigeria,” says Bolatito Aiyenigba, deputy project director for Breakthrough ACTION-Nigeria.
“In emergencies, people must have the information that they need in a way that they can understand it and is motivational to them,” says CCP’s Natalie Tibbels, who is leading the effort.
The people of Uganda were locked down during COVID. Now, an Ebola outbreak means another public health crisis to worry about.
This marks the first time CCP has received special funds to address monkeypox, a public health emergency of international concern.
A year before COVID hit, CCP began work on a project to prepare for future pandemics. Now, work continues to ensure we are even more prepared next time.
Two CCP teams – from Bangladesh and Côte d’Ivoire – will present their COVID-related work at a global virtual meeting on generating demand for COVID-19 vaccines.
CCP will receive $9.5 million to continue its work promoting COVID-19 vaccine uptake and acceptance in Asia and Africa.
As the highly contagious variant of COVID-19 has spread across the United States, a significantly higher percentage of Americans have sought testing for the virus, tested positive for the virus and say they are more concerned about getting sick.
The extension from USAID means Breakthrough ACTION, its flagship global social and behavior change project, can continue its critical work in family planning, malaria, COVID-19 and more.
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