
neglected tropical diseases, trachoma
Halting Neglected Tropical Diseases Through Behavior Change

Five years ago, a group of pharmaceutical companies, government agencies and nonprofits pledged to work together to, by 2020, eliminate 10 neglected tropical diseases. Taken together, these communicable diseases impact more than 1.5 billion people around the world, particularly those living in poverty, without access

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A Tale of Two Continents

The Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health is highlighting the work of two current CCP staff members on the homepage this week. Amber Summers, based in Baltimore, and Cheryl Lettenmaier, based in Uganda, took very different paths to get to CCP — and

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Sharing Information, Allaying Fears

The Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs (CCP) and the American Cancer Society (ACS) adapt materials for cancer patients in East Africa, where misinformation and fear are roadblocks to early diagnosis and treatment.

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