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Executive Director
Chief of Party Breakthrough ACTION-Nigeria
Team Leader Indonesia, Guatemala, Angola
Director, Research and Evaulation
Team Leader Burundi, Cameroon
Team Leader India, WISH2 (Eastern and Southern Africa)
Team Leader Cote d'Ivoire, Burkina Faso, Madagascar, Niger
Team Leader Malawi, Liberia, Kenya
Team LeaderSierra Leone, Nigeria
Director, Capacity Strengthening Team Leader Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, Rwanda
Director, Public Relations and Communications
Chief of Party, Communication for Improved Health Outcomes CCP Country Representative Mozambique
Team Leader Mali, Senegal
Chief of Party, Breakthrough ACTION CCP Country Director Sierra Leone
Director, Business Development
Chief of Party, Breakthrough ACTION CCP Country Representative Ethiopia
Director, The Challenge Initiative Nigeria
Chief of Party, Breakthrough ACTION Mali
Director, Finance and Administration
Chief of Party, Bangladesh
Regional SBC Advisor, Breakthrough ACTION CCP Country Representative Senegal
Chief of Party, Breakthrough ACTION Democratic Republic of Congo
Chief of Party Cameroon
Team Leader Democratic Republic of Congo, Guinea
Chief of Party, Breakthrough ACTION Guatemala
Chief of Party, Breakthrough ACTION CCP Country Representative Kenya
Chief of Party, Social and Behavior Change Activity CCP Country Representative Uganda
Chief of Party, Breakthrough ACTION Côte d’Ivoire
Chief of Party, Breakthrough ACTION Tanzania
Team Leader Ghana, Guyana
SBC Director, ACCESS Health Program CCP Country Representative Madagascar
Director, Breakthrough ACTION
Director, Digital Strategy
Director, Communication Science
Director, Knowledge Management Director, Knowledge SUCCESS
Team Leader Baltimore
Senior Program Manager Breakthrough ACTION Togo
Team Leader Bangladesh, Nepal, Philippines, Ethiopia
Caroline Jacoby, MPH Danielle Piccinini Black, MBA, MPH Jennifer Orkis, MHS
Hunter Harig, MPH Saori Ohkubo, MA, MBA
Marla Shaivitz, MA
Caroline Jacoby, MPH Cori Fordham, MPH Benjamin Soro, MA
Sarah Harlan, MPH
Esete Getachew, MA
Beth Mallalieu, MPH Benjamin Soro, MA
Ruwaida Salem, MPH Rene Nkenyi, MPH, MGHS
Gabrielle Hunter, MHS
Stephanie Clayton, MPH
Maria-Elena Figueroa, PhD
Brittany Goetsch, MA, MPH