‘Local Leaders are Crucial in Helping Communities … in the Fight Against Malaria’
PMI and the CCP-led Breakthrough ACTION project created a toolkit to train faith leaders about how they can encourage malaria prevention.
PMI and the CCP-led Breakthrough ACTION project created a toolkit to train faith leaders about how they can encourage malaria prevention.
CCP has created the SPARK program, an internship and fellowship program in Tanzania, to bring new faces into social and behavior change.
Debora B. Freitas López, MS, a global leader in social and behavior change communication with experience across Latin America and the Caribbean, Africa and Asia, has been chosen as the new executive director of the Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs. The Brazilian-born Freitas López,
“I promised you a unique and extraordinary week,” said CCP’s Jane Brown. “And it has been a unique and extraordinary week, and it’s all due to you, so thank you so, so much.”
“Our lives were turned upside down (by COVID-19, but) we were also witness to the power of SBCC’s unique ability to galvanize communities,” says CCP’s Jane Brown.
Dozens of presentations, posters, multimedia showcases and auxiliary sessions led by CCP staff will be part of the 2022 Summit, kicking off next week in Marrakech, Morocco.
CCP researchers found that many COVID-19 prevention strategies were seen as “anti-social” in Côte d’Ivoire, leading to less adherence. This knowledge has helped reframe COVID-19 messaging in the African nation.
Akiya Akhter, married as a teen, was able to postpone having a baby until she was 20. Aproma Marma, after losing her first child to malnutrition when elders insisted that she eat and sleep less during pregnancy, now has a healthy two-year-old. Mahbuba Siddiqua changed
“It may seem that it is only the adolescent girls are the victims of child marriage,” CCP’s Faisal Mahmud says. “But in reality, child marriage brings worse consequences to the family and to the whole nation.”
During a recent holiday, CCP’s Breakthrough ACTION project educated travelers in Côte d’Ivoire about the benefits of COVID-19 vaccines – and provided free vaccinations at bus terminals and festivals for those interested.
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