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CCP works to foster sustainable social and behavior change (SBC) expertise across countries and to support the next generation of SBC leaders to face the challenges ahead. Our approach to capacity strengthening builds upon existing expertise, systems and connections, and then creates opportunities for learning and growth where there are gaps.
We combine formal training with hands-on experience in applying new skills. We provide digital resources and support horizontal learning opportunities through peer assists, community platforms, tailored events and more. Through our global network, we have nurtured more than a dozen independent country-based health communication non-governmental organizations from Tanzania to Nigeria to Pakistan.
And, we do it through our popular and transformational Leadership in Strategic Communication Workshop which has trained more than 5,000 communication professionals from all over the world from policymakers to donor staff to program administrators.
Our capacity strengthening is grounded in helping us and others more effectively support the communities we serve.
Breakthrough ACTION developed SBC Learning Central, an online learning platform that provides a series of introductory and intermediate-level courses to help strengthen the SBC capacity of those working in the field. The goal is to help institutionalize SBC approaches and create a critical mass of skilled SBC practitioners and supportive decision makers worldwide. Most courses and toolkits are offered in French and English. Within the first six months of the launch in 2023, there were 21 courses offered, more than 2,500 registered users on the site and more than 3,700 people had earned certificates.
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