Client-Centered Approach Key to Family Planning Satisfaction in Jordan

A Maternal and Child Health provider trained by the CC Initiative meets with a patient.

A new Communication Impact released by CCP finds that satisfaction with family planning services increases dramatically when providers adopt a client-center approach. The brief examines the Consult & Choose Initiative (CC Initiative) that took place in Jordan under that USAID-funded Jordan Health Communication Project (JHCP) from 2007-2011.

The CC Initiative introduced several changes to the practice of family planning service provision in Jordan. Ministry of Health (MOH) Maternal and Child Health (MCH) providers received training on interpersonal communication and were shown a video produced by the CC Initiative that modeled correct approaches. The trainees learned how to use counseling communication tools produced by the CC Initiative. The Initiative also produced a video entitled “Hayati Ahla,” (My Life is More Beautiful) in collaboration with the MOH that provides clear and succinct information about FP, including information about modern methods and the advantages of birth spacing.

Exit interviews with the over 450 women who visited one of the two CC Initiative participating MCH centers found that client satisfaction with FP services at these centers was very high. 95% of clients were willing to recommend the center they had visited to their relatives or friends, and 82% of women reported that they were very satisfied with the care they had received. The use of CC communication materials was an important factor in a client’s satisfaction with her visit.

The results indicate that the client- centered counseling approach of the CC Initiative is an effective way to increase client satisfaction with FP services in Jordan. This approach fosters professionalism and positive attitudes among providers and ensures that clients receive a comprehensive, supportive and respectful counseling experience.

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