'You Look Good in Your Purple'

Eighty churches around the city celebrated Precious Purple Sunday by raising awareness to prevent infant deaths. "Faith-based organizations are critical partners in the effort to educate Baltimore’s families about how to keep babies safe and healthy," says CCP's Amber Summers.

‘You Look Good in Your Purple’
Sunday was the third annual Precious Purple Sunday, organized by B’more for Healthy Babies, an initiative led by the Baltimore City Health Department initiative with lead partners Family League of Baltimore and HealthCare Access Maryland. The Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs leads the communication efforts. Precious Purple Sunday is designed to be a day of awareness about how to prevent infant deaths.
Local church leaders were asked on Sunday to use their influential positions to teach families how to keep babies safe and healthy, a scene repeated in 80 churches across the region with nearly 20,000 congregants.

The key messages revolve around the ABCDs of safe sleep: Babies should sleep alone, on their back and in a crib in a house where people don’t smoke. B’more for Healthy Babies provides education, resources, and services to support parents and caregivers in the areas of mental health and stress, parenting, early childhood development, nutrition and more.

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