Engaging the Private Sector to Improve Health for All Women in Nigeria
The Challenge Initiative, led by CCP in Nigeria, wants all health facilities, not just public ones, to provide needed services.
The Challenge Initiative, led by CCP in Nigeria, wants all health facilities, not just public ones, to provide needed services.
“We wanted to … give this huge group of young people an education in tuberculosis – and, in turn, reduce the spread of disease,” says CCP’s Olusola Adeoye.
CCP, supported by the Brookings Institution, held a community conversation to discuss how to create environments where Black men and boys can thrive.
CCP researchers find that changing the relationship between community health workers and caregivers benefits everyone and improves outcomes.
In a new op-ed, CCP’s Kuor Kumoji discusses how the private sector can use behavioral science to help improve water, sanitation and hygiene.
In Ethiopia, many women experience poor maternal and birth outcomes. A new program could double prenatal visits and increase safer delivery.
New qualitative research conducted by the CCP-led Breakthrough ACTION project sheds light on the challenges associated with TB care.
To promote capacity strengthening, CCP offers workshops that provide practitioners the chance to gain deep understanding of the approaches vital to applying communication to impact global health and development goals.
Report chronicles progress being made toward eliminating a variety of infectious diseases from malaria to HIV.
CCP aims to co-create solutions to increase knowledge about salpingectomy, the removal of the fallopian tubes, which could reduce the risk of developing a deadly cancer.
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