Reducing Barriers for Menstruating Women in the Workplace
To remove some of the stigma associated with menstruation in the workplace, CCP is conducting a menstrual health and hygiene program in Kenya
To remove some of the stigma associated with menstruation in the workplace, CCP is conducting a menstrual health and hygiene program in Kenya
The platform was designed for family planning and reproductive health professionals to find, share, and organize resources for their work.
More than a million Nigerians have played two interactive new games developed by the CCP-led Breakthrough ACTION-Nigeria project since March 2020.
WHO has set a goal that 90 percent of girls 15 and under worldwide are fully vaccinated against HPV by 2030. Can it happen?
In Indonesia, CCP and its partners created a comprehensive package of interventions for young adolescents to prevent gender-based bullying
The key to a successful KM program, we have learned, is to never sit on our laurels. We are continuously developing new, creative, and inclusive ways to improve this very important work.
New CCP research suggests that broader, more systematic tools are needed to understand factors that influence behavior in low malaria settings.
“He had a magical quality that made every person who met him remember him and something good he sparked in them,” says one colleague.
In Côte d’Ivoire, those who are educated about HIV-prevention medication are more likely to want to take a daily dose of pre-exposure prophylaxis (or PrEP).
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