Supplying Pharmacists with Helpful COVID-19 Information
In Indonesia and the Philippines, CCP is learning what COVID-19 information pharmacists lack and then providing them with tools and education they need.
In Indonesia and the Philippines, CCP is learning what COVID-19 information pharmacists lack and then providing them with tools and education they need.
The findings come from the latest update of the KAP COVID dashboard, which presents data from a global survey of knowledge, attitudes and practices around COVID-19. Users can access unique pages for each of the countries surveyed and disaggregate findings by sex, age, education level and residence.
“Until we have a safe and effective vaccine, behavior change is the only tool we have to stem the spread of the virus,” says CCP’s Susan Krenn. “This COVID dashboard will help us more efficiently focus our behavior change efforts.”
Starting today in the United States and 71 other countries, Facebook began displaying a prompt for a new survey to help researchers understand people’s knowledge, attitudes and practices about COVID-19. CCP helped create the survey and will analyze results.
Many of CCP’s tools, resources and online classes will soon have new life as continuing education courses for frontline health workers in more than 40 low- and-middle income countries around the world.
CCP works on the Demographic and Health Surveys to help stakeholders and decision-makers use data to make choices that help improve and protect the lives of women and girls in places like Ghana, India, Nigeria and Pakistan.
CCP is engaging with influential local leaders to help them collect data to make decisions that could reduce the nation’s high HIV infection rate.
But the high rate of HIV infections, despite gold-standard care in the trial, is a call to action for improved HIV prevention and contraceptive choice for women that addresses social and structural factors influencing behavior.
There is a lot of optimism around the promise of artificial intelligence and its application to global health, says CCP’s Marla Shaivitz.
“It’s quick and it’s easy. It reduces work for health workers and improves the client’s experience at the same time,” says CCP’s Thomas Ofem. “It’s making decisions in real time and getting results.”
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