Emerging Infectious Diseases

Breakthrough ACTION
CCP’s Newest Project Ramping Up Across the Globe

In the five months since the Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs was awarded the five-year, $300-million Breakthrough ACTION project by the U.S. Agency for International Development, seven countries have already signed on to the social and behavioral change project. Along with those seven countries

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A Stateless People, A Public Health Crisis

For nearly two months, hundreds of thousands of Rohingya have streamed into Bangladeshi refugee camps from neighboring Myanmar, where this Muslim minority is being forced from their homes. A few weeks ago, a team of three Bangladesh-based staff from the Johns Hopkins Center for Communication

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Faces from the Field: Liberia Staff Shift Focus to Ebola

Teah Doegmah and Marietta Yekee, Program Officers in Liberia for CCP’s Health Communication Capacity Collaborative, embody CCP’s trademark expertise, innovation and creativity. Since their work shifted abruptly to the Ebola outbreak in July, they are using their expertise in health communication to fight the deadly disease.

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