In Midst of COVID-19 Pandemic, Handwashing Rates in Africa Fell
Instead of rising during the pandemic to slow the spread of COVID-19, new CCP research finds that handwashing rates actually fell in parts of sub-Saharan Africa.
Instead of rising during the pandemic to slow the spread of COVID-19, new CCP research finds that handwashing rates actually fell in parts of sub-Saharan Africa.
New data from the COVID Behaviors Dashboard, developed by the Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs, show that 82 percent of those who remain unvaccinated against COVID-19 in the United States have little or no interest in ever getting a vaccine. The findings, collected
Ugandans between the ages of 18 and 29 say their access to services such as family planning and maternal and child health has been limited by the pandemic, according to a CCP survey.
September 26 is World Contraception Day, but we need to be working all year round to increase access to modern contraception for all women who need it, says CCP’s Executive Director Susan Krenn. COVID-19 and other barriers are making this work more difficult.
A new interactive tool captures knowledge, attitudes and behaviors around vaccines, masking and more from 12 million people in 115 countries.
“Vaccination is not gender blind and we know that from previous vaccination campaigns,” says Joanna Skinner, one of the leaders of CCP’s gender work. “By paying attention to gender issues, you can have a greater impact in terms of behavior change.”
CCP will use the additional funds to promote COVID-19 vaccine acceptance and prepare for future pandemics in 18 countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America.
COVID-19 prevention campaigns created by CCP in Guatemala have been updated with new messages as the pandemic has evolved since March 2020.
So-called real-time monitoring can assist teams in low- and middle-income countries by monitoring their progress, tracking supplies and seeing where there may be pockets of children being missed in hard-to-reach areas.
In Bangladesh, where more than half the girls are married before their 18th birthday despite the custom of child marriage having been outlawed nearly a century ago, CCP is coordinating an effort designed to put an end to the practice.
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