DOVE – Stop Cholera

Working to halt the spread of cholera through the appropriate use of oral cholera vaccine

The goal of the DOVE (Delivering Oral Vaccine Effectively) project was to ensure that populations at risk of cholera received oral cholera vaccine (OCV) in an appropriate and effective manner. DOVE worked in close collaboration with WHO, UNICEF and other partners to provide tools and resources to countries and agencies who are dealing with the threat of cholera in order to assist them in making evidence-based decisions regarding when and how to use OCV. The vaccine can reduce the risk of contracting cholera by 65 to 75 percent for five years.

CCP supported the knowledge management, advocacy, documentation and dissemination activities of the project. Additionally, the project sought to advocate for the greater use of oral cholera vaccine as part of an integrated strategy to fight cholera and disseminate practical resources and how-to guides to help program managers and governments decide if, when, where and how to use the vaccine. DOVE published more than 30 peer-reviewed research articles and also conducted studies to address constraints to oral cholera vaccine use, use of vaccine during pregnancy and alternative delivery strategies, including the effectiveness of a single dose.

While working on the project 2013, CCP:

  • Supported the development and publication of the Stop Cholera Toolkit, an online collection of practical resources and how-to guides to help program managers and governments help decide if, when, where and how to use the oral cholera vaccine to reduce cholera mortality, prevent cases and halt outbreaks.
  • Supported the publication of “Field Stories” that highlight how the oral cholera vaccine has been successfully implemented in different settings, lessons learned and considerations for future implementers.
  • Supported the creation of a manual for OCV campaigns, a document that can be adapted by program managers for training health care workers on how to carry out a vaccination campaign.
  • Managed the website and social media for DOVE @STOPCholera.

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation





Implementing Partners

Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health (prime)

Advocacy, Applied Research, Malawi, Nepal, Past, South Sudan, Uganda, Water and Hygiene