New CCP Work to Focus on Reducing Congenital Syphilis
The Baltimore City Health Department has awarded CCP $225,000 to encourage testing and treating for the potentially deadly infection.
The Baltimore City Health Department has awarded CCP $225,000 to encourage testing and treating for the potentially deadly infection.
Building off a decade of success in Baltimore health programs, CCP looks to expand its domestic initiatives.
To help new moms and dads, CCP is part of a state grant to B’more for Healthy Babies to coordinate their needs during pregnancy and beyond.
The infant mortality rate in Baltimore’s Upton/Druid Heights has dropped by 75 percent to 3.8 deaths per 1,000 live births, well below Maryland’s overall rate (5.9 in 2019) and the United States rate (5.6 in 2019).
CCP’s Tina Suliman writes: “The maternal mortality crisis in the United States emphasizes the truth behind this declaration: It is racism, not race, that is killing America’s Black mothers and babies.”
A CCP-led hackathon brought together young dads in Baltimore to design a digital campaign to engage other young dads as they navigate the demands of new fatherhood.
Eighty churches around the city celebrated Precious Purple Sunday by raising awareness to prevent infant deaths. “Faith-based organizations are critical partners in the effort to educate Baltimore’s families about how to keep babies safe and healthy,” says CCP’s Amber Summers.
Eighty churches around the city celebrated Precious Purple Sunday by raising awareness to prevent infant deaths. “Faith-based organizations are critical partners in the effort to educate Baltimore’s families about how to keep babies safe and healthy,” says CCP’s Amber Summers.
Following the recent rash of deaths, CCP quickly developed a new social media campaign and toolkit to reinforce the ABCDs of safe sleep and prevent more Baltimore babies from dying.
The Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health is highlighting the work of two current CCP staff members on the homepage this week. Amber Summers, based in Baltimore, and Cheryl Lettenmaier, based in Uganda, took very different paths to get to CCP — and
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