Reducing Barriers for Menstruating Women in the Workplace
To remove some of the stigma associated with menstruation in the workplace, CCP is conducting a menstrual health and hygiene program in Kenya
To remove some of the stigma associated with menstruation in the workplace, CCP is conducting a menstrual health and hygiene program in Kenya
In Indonesia, CCP and its partners created a comprehensive package of interventions for young adolescents to prevent gender-based bullying
New CCP research is meant to better understand what is behind the harmful practices of child marriage and female genital mutilation (FGM) in Uganda.
Prominent communication scholar Suruchi Sood, PhD, whose research focuses on social and behavior change, has rejoined the CCP as its Director of Communication Science.
“It may seem that it is only the adolescent girls are the victims of child marriage,” CCP’s Faisal Mahmud says. “But in reality, child marriage brings worse consequences to the family and to the whole nation.”
In a commentary published in Global Health Now, CCP’s Susan Krenn talks about the need to quickly improve COVID-19 vaccine acceptance and the dire consequences of failing to do so.
Lisa Cobb, one of the authors of CCP’s new social norm tool, sits down with CCP’s Stephanie Desmon to discuss the importance of understanding social norms in creating behavior change.
The findings come from the latest update of the KAP COVID dashboard, which presents data from a global survey of knowledge, attitudes and practices around COVID-19. Users can access unique pages for each of the countries surveyed and disaggregate findings by sex, age, education level and residence.
“Until we have a safe and effective vaccine, behavior change is the only tool we have to stem the spread of the virus,” says CCP’s Susan Krenn. “This COVID dashboard will help us more efficiently focus our behavior change efforts.”
“It’s normal to be beaten,” one woman in Senegal told researchers from the Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs. CCP is trying to change that.
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