Saving Mothers and Their Children in Northern Nigeria
The big question is this: How can we make the radical change necessary to save mothers and their babies in Northern Nigeria? CCP is taking a deep dive to look for answers.
The big question is this: How can we make the radical change necessary to save mothers and their babies in Northern Nigeria? CCP is taking a deep dive to look for answers.
“Have vaccines become victims of their own success?” asks CCP’s Executive Director Susan Krenn. “Have we forgotten how many people used to become sick and die from these diseases?”
DHS has collected important health data through more than 300 surveys in more than 90 countries since 1984. CCP has been part of the project for 15 years.
In the five months since the Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs was awarded the five-year, $300-million Breakthrough ACTION project by the U.S. Agency for International Development, seven countries have already signed on to the social and behavioral change project. Along with those seven countries
A top priority of Ethiopian health officials is to get more women to give birth in health facilities, rather than at home in their rural villages where they and their newborns are at greater health risk, especially if there are complications. But many women live
For years, there has been a lot of activity in the rural Western Highlands of Guatemala to reduce the malnutrition and disease suffered by the impoverished, indigenous people there. Many organizations focused their many messages on young new mothers, highlighting the importance of breastfeeding and
CCP’s innovative work with religious leaders around the world is well known. Ministers, priests and imams have all used their powerful and influential positions to remind their followers to live safe and healthy lives. On Sunday, March 26th, CCP helped pastors in its hometown of
How can we get more clients to health services? What can we do to improve client-provider interactions? How can we increase the adoption and maintenance of healthy behaviors? These are questions we in the health service field grapple with on a regular basis. Solutions to
Does the saying “a rising tide lifts all boats” apply when it comes to health? This has been a key question in SBCC program design. For years, public health professionals believed that programs designed for the general population would equally benefit marginalized or disadvantaged groups,
CCP, under the Pakistan Initiative for Mothers and Newborns (PAIMAN), has produced two new television spots highlighting the importance of childhood immunizations and exclusive breastfeeding for newborns. In total, CCP has created 9 spots with targeted maternal and neonatal health messages for the PAIMAN project.
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