Maternal and Newborn Health

To Make Change, Ask an Abuela

For years, there has been a lot of activity in the rural Western Highlands of Guatemala to reduce the malnutrition and disease suffered by the impoverished, indigenous people there. Many organizations focused their many messages on young new mothers, highlighting the importance of breastfeeding and

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Baltimore Boosts Smoke-Free Efforts

Baltimore City recently received an $18,000 grant from the Department of Health and Human Services to promote smoking cessation and smoke-free environments for pregnant women and children. The grant comes with evidence from a study recently published in The Lancet, which found that smoking bans

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Improving Nutrition in Nepal on World Food Day

Kitti, a grandmother in Nepal, firmly believed that if her lactating daughter-in-law ate meat, her grandson would fall sick. “If my grandson becomes ill, I will know whom to blame,” Kitti asserted with conviction. Basmati, Kitti’s daughter-in-law, complied with her grandmother’s claim and as was

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